Our beta launch is on 11/11/22 š
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Beta launches on 11/11/22 š



The AllSpark feed pulls content from a variety of sources so you can subscribe to the content you want. With AllSpark, you will never miss an album drop, a new episode, or a loved one's birthday/life update because it will be readily available in an easy to use feed.
AllSpark cuts through the noise to surface content that matters to you. Our notification bar and inbox is flooded with irrelevant high volume items like breaking news and Twitter post alerts. Move these items to your AllSpark feed so you can silence the noise and consume content on your terms.

We work hard so you don't have to. Our content store and pre-built integrations allow you to easily stay on top of your digital life. Dock AllSpark on your home screen for easy access and rest easy knowing that you won't miss a beat.

Are you tired of pesky login pages and privacy invasion? AllSpark supports frictionless crypto sign-in via partnership with Rownd.com so you can own your data and authentication.
Effortlessly stay in the loop
AllSpark captures events, network updates, and content that would have otherwise fallen between the cracks in a multi-media feed. Rest easy knowing you will have a second look at important content.
Serendipity Guaranteed
The average user has signed up for 100+ accounts, too many to check regularly. Our personalization engine learns from your connected accounts and keeps an eye out for the updates you care about.
Data Ownership
Privacy fist
All our designs are built with privacy in mind. AllSpark aims to put the user back in control of their internet experience by storing data where it should be, with the user.
Product Sprawl
We are constantly bombarded with irrelevant content from various products vying for our attention. We cope with our product sprawl in different ways, some opt to uninstall apps and turn off notifications while others diligently check their notifications and pursue the elusive zero inbox.
AllSpark streamlines your experience through a smart feed that only surfaces insights and content you care about.Ā We no longer need to tradeoff between awareness and screen time.

Streamlined experience
AllSpark cuts through the noise with an AI engine that is hyper-personalized to source, rank and filter only the most important items for your feed.
o Never miss an important event because it was an email message instead of a calendar invite.
o Never get stuck in avoidable traffic or forget your umbrella because you didn't check the weather or traffic conditions.
o Never feel bad you did not know your friend got married, had a baby, and changed jobs.
Why do we do what we do?
As denizens of the internet ourselves, we have been extremely frustrated by the lack of change over the last decade. Year after year, our privacy keeps getting eroded, our account list only keeps growing and the tools available don't solve our macro problems.
We believe in a user-centric, composable and private internet experience for users. The first step in achieving this is to streamline the existing experience and build services so users can finally have the choice to choose a better platform. Our vision for the internet is heavily influenced by these visionaries:
Doc Searls
Privacy Manifesto
Tim Berners-Lee
One small step for the web
Martin Kleppmann
Local-first software
Juan Bennet
IPFS and the Permanent Web
Chris Dixon
Why Decentralization matters
Vitalik Buterin
The meaning of Decentralization